Find the Joyful Leader Within Banishing Burnout in Early Childhood Education

Find the Joyful Leader Within

Banishing Burnout in Early Childhood Education

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Rise to become a more joyful leader and empower your team to shine

The past few years have been very difficult for the early childhood field. Many leaders are burnt out and looking for ways to recapture their enthusiasm.

In Find the Joyful Leader Within: Banishing Burnout in Early Childhood Education, author Teresa A. Byington offers strategies for helping teachers reimagine purpose, develop meaningful connections with staff and families, communicate with care, and reflect to build on strengths. Help your staff rediscover their connections, teamwork, and camaraderie.

  • Rejuvenate your commitment.
  • Reimagine your purpose.
  • Reclaim your spark.
  • Rediscover your joy!

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About the author

Teresa A Byington

Teresa A. Byington, PhD, is a 20-year professional-learning veteran with deep experience as a facilitator, trainer, speaker, and professor. She is currently a professor and specialist in early childhood education for the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. She has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, including Young Children, Young Exceptional Children, and The Reading Teacher. Dr. Byington earned her PhD from the University of Nevada–Las Vegas in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education.


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