Forty-One Pages On Poetry, Language, and Wilderness

Forty-One Pages

On Poetry, Language, and Wilderness

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In this series of elegant and wide-ranging meditations on language, wilderness, poetry, and technocracy, John Steffler takes us on a guided tour of one poet’s mental workshop. His focus is vividly personal, shaped by his interests and experience, and at the same time universal. What is it to be human? Steffler is not afraid to be provocative, but he is also compassionately alert to moral, political, and cultural complexity. This is a book that will convince you that poetry can indeed make a great deal happen.

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About the author

John Steffler

John Steffler is the author of six books of poetry, including The Grey Islands, That Night We Were Ravenous, and Lookout, which was shortlisted for the Griffin Prize. His novel The Afterlife of George Cartwright won the Smithbooks/Books in Canada First Novel Award and the Thomas Raddall Atlantic Fiction Award. From 2006 to 2009 he was Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada. John lives in Maberly, ON


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