Mind Over Money The Psychology of Cash and How to Use It Better

Mind Over Money

The Psychology of Cash and How to Use It Better

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On a summer evening in 1994, the two members of the band KLF burned £1 million in £50 notes in a barn on the Isle of Jura. They filmed themselves tossing the bills into the fire, and made the story public. The reaction amazed them: this act of nihilism caused a public outpouring of rage. They received death threats. And yet, if the band members had squandered their wealth away on designer clothes and sports cars, would anyone have cared?

We constantly make assumptions about money. We confuse it with morality. We know we need it, and we tend to want more of it, but what we do not always appreciate are the ways it affects our minds, and emotions, and can even skew our perceptions.

Mind Over Money is about what money does to us. In delightfully accessible language, Hammond explores the power of money and shows how psychology and neuroscience are providing us with some extraordinary tools for making better decisions about the way we use money.

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About the author

Claudia Hammond

Claudia Hammond is an award-winning writer, broadcaster, and psychology lecturer. She is the author of Emotional Rollercoaster: A Journey through the Science of Feelings, which was published in six territories.


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