Skye Above

Skye Above

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Nine-year-old Skye has always had a fascination with flying. She’d love to be a pilot someday, like both of her parents, but deep down she really wishes she could be a bird. When Skye’s parents take her to Costa Rica, she is thrilled about all of the beautiful exotic birds she’ll get to see. What she doesn’t realize is that her parents have three big surprises planned, and each will offer her a different opportunity to feel what it’s like to fly. From snorkeling with baby sea turtles to parasailing out on the open ocean to zip-lining through the Costa Rican rainforest, Skye will have more than one chance to fly like a bird before this trip of a lifetime is through.

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About the author

Eric Walters

Membre de l’Ordre du Canada, Eric Walters a écrit plus de 120 livres qui ont remporté une centaine de prix, dont un prix littéraire du Gouverneur général pour The King of Jam Sandwiches. Eric, un ancien enseignant, s’est lancé en littérature jeunesse pour intéresser ses élèves de cinquième année à la lecture et à l’écriture. Chaque année, il fait des présentations devant plus de 100 000 jeunes aux quatre coins du pays. Il habite à Guelph, en Ontario.


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