Jungle Land

Jungle Land

DJ is always thrilled to spend time with his grandfather, a person he idolizes. When his grandfather announces that he's going to take all of his grandsons on individual adventures, it seems only fair that DJ, as the oldest grandchild, will get his adventure first. An adventure that sees his grandfather at the controls of a small plane as the two fly to Central America for a week. But when someone tries to kidnap him, DJ must flee through the jungle and down a crocodile-infested river, pursued by armed gunmen. When he isn't busy trying to stay alive, DJ discovers things about himself he never suspected and uncovers information that leads him to believe his beloved grandfather is living a secret life.

In this exciting prequel to Between Heaven and Earth and Sleeper, the responsible and athletically gifted DJ flies to Central America.

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À propos de l'auteur

Eric Walters

Membre de l’Ordre du Canada, Eric Walters a écrit plus de 120 livres qui ont remporté une centaine de prix, dont un prix littéraire du Gouverneur général pour The King of Jam Sandwiches. Eric, un ancien enseignant, s’est lancé en littérature jeunesse pour intéresser ses élèves de cinquième année à la lecture et à l’écriture. Chaque année, il fait des présentations devant plus de 100 000 jeunes aux quatre coins du pays. Il habite à Guelph, en Ontario.


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