Big Bang to Humankind Astronomy 1

Big Bang to Humankind

Astronomy 1

The Volume I of this book revealing the sphere of the Pre-Big Bang and its structures was published in the collection "verses of scholars" under the title "Cosmology according to biblical and ancient models". From « Big-bang to Humankind" of volume III in Astrotheology constitutes the continuity. If the greatest discovery of the last century in cosmology was "The Big Bang" on which all indisputable evidence converges, 100 years later, the greatest revelation is that this phenomenon is also biblical. The author of the book ; Amateur astronomer, Independent writer and Researcher, is the first to have completely restored the biblical creation scheme in its true context, demonstrating that it is the most complete scheme of which science has not yet discovered all the mysteries. The restitution of this scheme brings a new invention in cosmology, namely "The Universal Cosmological Model".  It is now up to science to take hold of it and to enlarge it. At the end of the book, a demonstration of Astrotheology on ancient Chinese and Western philosophies shows that the models of the Universe have always been often consistent, even in cosmogony, for the informed reader. With a language easy to understand, this book is for everyone..

Détails du livre

À propos de l'auteur

Flavien Phanzu Mwaka

 FLAVIEN PHANZU MWAKA,- LICENCIE (Bac+5) EN ÉCONOMIE.- Astronome amateur formé à l'Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales en France;- Cosmologiste autodidacte;- Inventeur du Modèle Cosmologiste Universel;- Inventeur du projet d'Astrothéologie.- Premier à restituer le schéma biblique de la création;- Premier à découvrir l'existence de la sphère de l'Avant Big-bang dans les écrits antiques.- Premier à découvrir la source du rayonnement fossile les écrits antiques- Résident et né le 11 juin 1967 à Kinshasa/RDC.


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