Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa From Tragedy to Useful Imperial Fiction

Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa

From Tragedy to Useful Imperial Fiction

The book comprises three parts. The first part addresses the little-discussed but crucial events preceding the assassination of the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali declared, "The Rwandan genocide was 100% American Responsibility."

Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali declared, "The Rwandan genocide was 100% American Responsibility."

on April 6, 1994, which triggered massive killings. These include the invasion in 1990, drawn-out guerrilla and terrorist warfare, imposition of a new political and economic order followed by an ill named “peace process” that sanctified the occupation of the country by the invading army, and the assassination of two African heads of state.

The second part, “The Heart of Dark Imaginations,” shows how popular literature on Rwanda has been built on the old clichés, metaphors, and conventions generated during 400 years of slavery, the slave trade, and colonialism, and helped justify them. The resulting narrative is perfectly crafted for the “new scramble for Africa.”

The third part takes down the so-called international criminal justice as applied to Rwanda and explains how and why the murderous, never-ending war in Congo began.

Détails du livre

À propos de l'auteur

Robin Philpot

Robin Philpot est écrivain, traducteur et éditeur. Auteur 6 livres, dont Ça ne s’est pas passé comme ça à Kigali (2003) et Le référendum volé (2005), il a fondé conjointement avec Denis Vaugeois et Gilles Herman les Livres Baraka en 2009 notamment pour faire rayonner les livres du Québec. Originaire de Thunder Bay (Ontario), Robin Philpot habite au Québec depuis 1974.


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