Summary of Michael Caine's Blowing the Bloody Doors Off

Summary of Michael Caine's Blowing the Bloody Doors Off

Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 I was born in 1933 in London, England. I suffered from rickets, a disease of poverty that causes weak bones, and I tottered up and down those stairs in surgical boots. I left school at 16 with a small handful of exam passes, and found and got sacked from a handful of menial office jobs.

#2 I learned early on that everything can have its good side for you personally. I learned to find the good in terrible situations. Looking back, I would add another lesson that I didn’t know at the time: if I can make it, there's hope for us all.

#3 My father taught me that I wanted more out of life than I was supposed to get. My mother taught me the things I needed to be able to go out and get it. Together, they provided me with a wonderful launch pad.

#4 I grew up with my mother and father, who was away fighting the war. They showed me love, and I was able to show it to others. When you have been shown love, you can show it to others.

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