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Els is a courier, a girl who takes Jewish children on the back of her bike to safety on farms in Friesland. When she leaves Isaak, disguised as Jan, at a farmhouse with kind people, he is miserable until he makes friends with a beautiful black horse, Hero, a Frisian wanted by the Germans. The first time the Germans come for the horse, Isaak comes up with a plan to save him, but the second time they come, Isaak can do nothing to protect the animal he loves.

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About the author

martha attema

martha attema was born on a dairy farm in Friesland, one of the northern provinces in the Netherlands. In 1981, martha immigrated with husband, Albert and three children to Canada. In 1995, she published her first novel, A Time to Choose. This war novel set in Friesland and deals with the Resistance and won the Blue Heron Book Award. Since this initial success Martha has written numerous books for young people.


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