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When a Division One coach comes to their smaller school to bring the football program up to contender status, Moose and the rest of the players on the team are pumped. Coach Barnes has new ideas and a vision for the future--nothing is too good for his players. With a new training regimen, everything seems to be on a winning track. But when Moose and others are offered steroids, tempers start to fray and the teammates have to decide whose side they are on. Juice is a compelling story about the pressures and temptations that are faced by many in the competitive world of high-school athletics.

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About the author

Eric Walters

Membre de l’Ordre du Canada, Eric Walters a écrit plus de 120 livres qui ont remporté une centaine de prix, dont un prix littéraire du Gouverneur général pour The King of Jam Sandwiches. Eric, un ancien enseignant, s’est lancé en littérature jeunesse pour intéresser ses élèves de cinquième année à la lecture et à l’écriture. Chaque année, il fait des présentations devant plus de 100 000 jeunes aux quatre coins du pays. Il habite à Guelph, en Ontario.


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