Silver Hair and Golden Voice Austin Willis, from Halifax to Hollywood

Silver Hair and Golden Voice

Austin Willis, from Halifax to Hollywood

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Over his extensive career, Halifax-born film, television, and radio performer Austin Willis worked with luminaries from Orson Welles and Peter Sellers to a young William Shatner. He bested Goldfinger at cards—with help from Sean Connery’s James Bond—and with his prematurely white hair, he became the debonair, wry host of the 1970s CBC-TV quiz show, This Is The Law. This is the memoir Willis wanted to write—but didn’t, because he never stopped performing.

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About the author

Ernest J. Dick

Ernest J. Dick lives in Granville Ferry, Nova Scotia. His archival career has focussed on Canada's audio-visual heritage, first at the National Archives of Canada, then the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He has also taught at Saint Mary's University in Halifax and has researched and published works on the history of film and television of Atlantic Canada.


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