The Passions of the Dowager Countess - Erotic Short Story
The Passions of the Dowager Countess - Erotic Short Story

The Passions of the Dowager Countess - Erotic Short Story

Anna and Gustav play together as children, and when they meet again as young adults, their playing takes on new and exciting elements. But the young couple cannot be with each other, because Anna is wedded to the ageing Count von Silfverhuus, and for years Anna lives under his roof and satisfies his urges. One day the Count dies, and Anna makes a decision: Now she will go into the world and take what she wants, and never more have to give anything back. Now it is her time to enjoy herself.

"The Passions of the Dowager Countess" is an erotic short story in a historical setting, about a woman with great passions who finally finds the freedom to seek out the pleasure she always wanted.

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