Cravings Comfort Eats and Favourite Treats


Comfort Eats and Favourite Treats

There’s nothing wrong with lusting after certain foods if you do it mindfully. Rediscover the joys of your favourite decadent dishes, guilt-free, with chef Debbie Harding’s delicious, easy-to-follow recipes.

Debbie Harding’s approach is simple: recipes that excite and tantalize while giving you the tools and information you need to control everything that goes into your food. Cravings includes recipes to satisfy every taste, from salty and sweet to spicy and crispy, and even savoury. To help you along, we?ve included:

  • Nutritional information for every recipe
  • A beverage pairing suggestion for each dish
  • A list of recommended ingredient brands
  • Easy-to-use conversion charts

Debbie encourages indulging responsibly while reminding you that it’s okay to celebrate life?s big and small occasions with the foods you truly love.

Détails du livre

À propos de l'auteur

Debbie Harding

Alberta-born chef Debbie Harding has always loved cooking and was encouraged to do so from a young age. She earned her certificate with good mention from the Cordon Bleu de Paris at Sabine de Mirbeck Ecole de Cuisine Francaise in England. Upon returning to Canada, Debbie established a catering business called Decadence Catering and Cakes in Victoria, BC. A few years later, she opened a corresponding restaurant, Decadence Café and Catering, which she ran successfully until 2000. Today, Debbie has changed her culinary focus from catering to educating others about food by writing cookbooks and teaching cooking classes. Debbie is also a talented artist, and her drawings can be found alongside her mouthwatering recipes in her two cookbooks, Go Nuts: Recipes that Really Shell Out and Cravings. Please visit Debbie online at


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