Fertility 40 Years of Change


40 Years of Change

In Fertility: 40 Years of Change, lawyer and author Maureen McTeer explores key medical, research, and legal developments in assisted human reproduction since the birth of the first IVF baby in 1978. With keen insight, she analyses how Canada has responded to the many legal and societal opportunities this foundational reproductive technology has created, such as new types of human relationships; the treatment of infertility; human embryo research; and the revolutionary possibilities for society raised by the combination of reproductive and genetic technologies, as we create, manipulate, and alter human life in the laboratory.

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À propos de l'auteur

Maureen McTeer

Maureen McTeer is an author and lawyer, specializing in health policy and medical law. She has been a visiting scholar in the School of Public Health at the University of California at Berkeley; she has practised law in Toronto and Ottawa and has lectured on law at the Universities of Calgary and British Columbia.


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