Know It All Finding the Impossible Country
Know It All Finding the Impossible Country

Know It All

Finding the Impossible Country

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In Know It All: Finding the Impossible Country James Marsh tells of his evolution from a troubled childhood to a long career in Canadian publishing that culminated in the creation of The Canadian Encyclopedia — what one reviewer called “the intellectual equivalent of the building of the CPR.” Through friendships, curiosity, the insights of a charismatic psychiatrist, his passion for books, and the intimate encounters with the authors he met, he championed a diverse and inclusive view of Canada, which was used to draw the great minds of an impossible nation together in a common national enterprise. While exploring how memory works and how we learn to think of ourselves, Know It All offers insights into the intricacies of Canadian identity, the profession of book editors, and is the most comprehensive first-hand story about the creation of The Canadian Encyclopedia.

Détails du livre

À propos de l'auteur

James H. Marsh

James H. Marsh grew up in the rough Toronto neighbourhood of the Junction, surviving a difficult childhood. He began his career in publishing at a summer job with Holt, Rinehart and Winston learning the business from copy editing to typesetting and printing. At HRW, he was the editor of a centennial history of Canada called Canada: Unity and Diversity, later becoming the editor of the Carleton Library Series. His love of the book business led him into a prized job at The Canadian Encyclopedia, where he was editor in chief.


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