Secret of the Golden Flower
Secret of the Golden Flower

Secret of the Golden Flower

Immediately upon her arrival in London to train as a spy, sixteen-year-old Nicki Haddon is assigned to help the British Secret Service infiltrate a drug cartel that is smuggling large amounts of heroin into the country. Placing herself in the midst of a tough East End street gang, she uncovers a plot to create a super-potent opiate and also discovers a royal connection – one that goes back to Queen Victoria herself.

Nicki puts her life at risk as she goes after the kingpin of the cartel. Her kung fu skills are severely tested in this action-packed thriller, as the teen spy-in-training tries to unravel not only "the secret of the golden flower," but the ever-present mystery of her own past.

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À propos de l'auteur

Caroline Stellings

Caroline Stellings is an award-winning author and illustrator. Her book The Contest, part of the Gutsy Girl series, won the 2009 ForeWord Book of the Year Award and was a finalist for the 2010/11 Hackmatack prize. Besides her many books for children and young adults, she is also the writer of The Nancy Drew Crookbook, a long running series in The Sleuth magazine. She lives in Waterdown, Ontario.


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