The Archaeologists

The Archaeologists

Residents of the fictional edge city of Wississauga are embroiled in a fight over the fate of a riverbed running behind their homes. Their paths intersect, bringing personal dilemmas and self-deceptions to the forefront. Has June discovered bones of the first inhabitants in her backyard? Will Tim learn the truth about his parents? Can Charlie make a connection she so desperately needs? Reinforcing his position as a cultural soothsayer, Hal Niedzviecki offers a view of the suburbs in a slightly askew world. With humour and insight, he examines how we project, or reflect, ourselves in our collective and individual histories, and challenges our views of identity and home.

Détails du livre

À propos de l'auteur

Hal Niedzviecki

Hal Niedzviecki is a writer, speaker, culture commentator and editor whose work challenges preconceptions and confronts readers with the offenses of everyday life. He is the author of eleven books of fiction and nonfiction and the publisher/founder of Broken Pencil, a magazine of zine culture and the independent arts. Hal’s writing has appeared in newspapers, periodicals and journals across the world including The New York Times Magazine, The Guardian, Utne Reader, The Walrus, and Geist. Hal lives and works in Toronto.


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