Justin A. Reynolds

JUSTIN A. REYNOLDS a toujours voulu être écrivain. Son premier roman Opposite of Always, sélectionné par les Indies Introduce et sacré meilleur livre par le School Library Journal, a été traduit en dix-sept langues et fait présentement l’objet d’une adaptation cinématographique avec Paramount Players. Justin vit dans le nord-est de l’Ohio avec sa famille.

Justin A. Reynolds has always wanted to be a writer. Opposite of Always, his debut novel, was an Indies Introduce selection, a School Library Journal Best Book, has been translated in 17 languages, and is being developed for film with Paramount Players. He hangs out in northeast Ohio with his family and likes it, and is probably somewhere, right now, dancing terribly. His second novel, Early Departures, published September 2020. You can find him at justinareynolds.com.