Sara L. Seck

Sara L Seck is an associate professor and associate dean, research at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, and a member of the Marine & Environmental Law Institute. She has published widely on business and human rights, international law, and environmental and climate justice, often with a focus on extractive industries. Sara is co-editor of Global Environmental Change and Innovation in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2017), co-editor of a 2019 special issue of the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law on resource extraction and the human rights of women and girls, and co-editor of the Cambridge Handbook on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development (Cambridge University Press, 2020). Current research projects include assisting the United Nations Environment Programme’s Environmental Rights Initiative to clarify the responsibility of businesses to respect and support environmental rights and a SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant on responsible business conduct and impact assessment law.